Let me start off with a few sites:
When you do an online search, would you like a new approach to web searching instead of google, yahoo, or msn? Try doing a search using http://clusty.com/ You might ask "Rodney why is this one different?" Well it has a whole new way to search the web. To quote their site personally "Clusty queries several top search engines, combines the results, and generates an ordered list based on comparative ranking. This "metasearch" approach helps raise the best results to the top and push search engine spam to the bottom."
But the unique part is what they do with the information to make searches more effective. Again from their site they state "Instead of delivering millions of search results in one long list, our search engine groups similar results together into clusters. Clusters help you see your search results by topic so you can hone in on exactly what you are looking for or discover unexpected relationships between items."
If you have wasted time by going through pages and pages of entries only to get no where fast then you will understand. Go to the page and type in something for it to search and see for yourself. I now have it as my top search engine, so tell me what you think about it.
An interesting tool within clusty.com is a site called Shakespeare Searched. This is a search engine designed to provide quick access to passages from Shakespeare's plays and sonnets. You can find Shakespeare Searched at http://shakespeare.clusty.com/
And the last site for this blog, is a site which houses an in-depth index of more than 3,350 collections of personal narratives in English from around the world. It is called "In The First Person", which is at http://www.inthefirstperson.com/firp/index.aspx
You can search over 650,000 pages of full-text by more than 15,000 individuals from all walks of life. It also has areas to search 3,500 audio and video files and 30,000 bibliographic records.
A neat gadget or two:
I just think this is really cool and a "why didn't I think of this" type of idea.
How about a battery that can work in all types of application devices and is rechargeable via a running USB port? A USB rechargeable battery??? Take a look below and you can also go here.

Do you get frustrated like I do when you temporarily lose something? Like your keys, wallet, purse ( I don't have a purse, but for the purpose of making a point) or other items? Well here is a gadget that can help you find them easier. Its called a loc8tor. Loc8tor uses a unique combination of audio and visual cues to guide you to your lost item from up to an incredible 600 feet away! Simply tell your Loc8tor what you need to find. But will they have to have a loc8tor to find your loc8tor??? Here is a picture of one

Anyway this is a light hearted blog about some neat things I have seen lately. Hope you enjoy.
That's all for now, look for more interesting blog ideas in the future and if you have comments on today's blog, please send them.
Rodney G.