Does your library have old computers somewhere in the back room not being used? Don't know exactly what to do with or how to get rid of them? Well before you do that, I would like to talk to you about Edubuntu.
Edu what???
What is Edubuntu exactly? It is a FREE Linux based operating system. But what makes Edubuntu different is that it is geared towards educating our young patrons. To quote the website of Edubuntu specifically, Edubuntu's motto is "Linux for Young Human Beings"
It provides applications, games, and educational platforms to kids of all ages. For example this one to the right, helps young children learn math skills. Some of the games offered are TuxPaint, TuxMath, and TuxTyping, among others.
Again quoting the website of Edubuntu: "For the younger crowd, just starting out with computers, Gcompris offers a fantastic early learning environment. For slightly older pupils, there are a number of games and activities from the Tux4Kids and KDEEdu projects and for those in high school and older, there is a full office suite as well applications for instant messaging, graphics, sound and video. And that is just by default! Edubuntu also includes access to thousands of other high quality open source programs at no cost."
On a personal note: I had heard of Edubuntu, but didn't really look at what it could do. That is until I went to do an annual assessment at the Eagle Pass Public Library! Daniel, the PC tech there, showed me what Edubuntu has done for their library. Being at their library last year they had approximately 7 computers and a few weren't working. Most were very slow and old. I went there last week, and WOW!!! They had an Edubuntu thin client project going which brought their total pc count to approximately 30 working computers now! Running quicker and more efficiently.
Still interested? Here is a great place to get some screen shots of Edubuntu.
The minimum requirements for running a standalone Edubuntu workstation is:
- 500 MHz x86 processor
- 128 MB of system memory (RAM)
- At least 2 GB of disk space (for full installation and swap space)
- VGA graphics card capable of 640x480 resolution
- CD-ROM drive
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Standard NIC (If want access to the internet)
For those that are interested in installing Edubuntu. I have burned an iso copy and requested additional copies from Edubuntu personally. You can either email/contact me and I will burn you a copy (don't worry Edubuntu has no problems with free distribution of their software), or you can go to their site directly and request copies of it. Would love to hear your feed back and comments.