Friday, December 15, 2006

Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP

A large number of AALS libraries are now using Windows XP Professional computers. There is software available to protect against viruses, spyware, and even software than can keep changes from being permanent. But what about keeping those what I call “creative” users from gaining access to areas on that PC or even worse on your network?

There are a number of ways you can lock down an XP box, but one that is simple for libraries is through a download from Microsoft. It is called the Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit for XP.

Personally, I can’t think of reasons why not to use this within our libraries. This product was made with the mindset of public libraries, schools, Internet cafés, and any other public computing locations.

Allowing access for the public to computers within the library is essential. But it is important that access is only to the extent of what they need out of your PCS and NOT what they want. Need vs. want can be different for different locations, and that is also the beauty of the download. It can be simple and customizable, yet very effective in locking down or restricting a PC.

Without restrictions, users can change the desktop appearance; reconfigure system settings; and introduce spyware, viruses, and other harmful programs. Not to mention gaining access to resources on other PCs, servers, and network areas within the library. Repairing or monitoring PCs without a tool like this can costs significant time and effort.

And the best part is that it is free to XP licensed users.

Keep in mind that this tool is only available for Windows XP machines and has to have at least Service Pack 2 as well.

Some of the benefits to using the toolkit are as follows:

  • Saves you and your staff time;
  • Reduces the need for maintenance and repairs;
  • Allows for a more robust and stable pc environment for all patrons; and
  • If after setup a change is needed, it can be reconfigured.

I plan on giving an introductory-type class very soon on the Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit, and I encourage everyone who is interested to attend. I want to gauge interest from libraries and their staff on how many are interested. So please email me at or call 210-207-2609 and let me know you want to attend or have any questions on this product.

Rodney G.

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